Our Soundtrack Our Ads


What is ‘Our Soundtrack Our Ads’?

Our Soundtrack Our Ads is an extension of the existing ‘Our Soundtrack Our Stories’, a new initiative calling upon the Australian creative and advertising industry to pledge their support of homegrown music by elevating its work with local voices, sounds and stories; encouraging creatives to invest music budgets into homegrown artists. 

It comes a year after songwriter, recording artist and advocate, Jack River, real name Holly Rankin, posted the now viral call-to-arms for Australian media and business to get behind homegrown music, which evolved into an open invitation from Australia’s music community to discover, champion, share and consume more local music in both a commercial and mainstream landscape.

In line with the initiative, Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA) debuted a new award category at the 2023 ARIA Awards - Australian music’s biggest night of celebration - to recognise and celebrate the best use of Australian music in the creative and advertising industry. The winners of the 2023 awards included - 

ARIA Award for Best Use of an Australian Recording in an Advertisement (duration of 2 minutes or less) - 72andSunny with Campfire X for Google ‘Helping You Help Others’ with music from Baker Boy. 

ARIA Award for Best Use of an Australian Recording in an Advertisement (over 2 minutes duration) - Innocean Australia for Australian Marine Conservation Society ‘Voice of the Sea’ with music from John Williamson.

How will ‘Our Soundtrack Our Ads’ support homegrown artists - and the local advertising and creative industry?

ARIA announced a new award category to recognise and celebrate the best use of Australian music in the creative and advertising industry, debuting at the 2023 ARIA Awards.

Our Soundtrack Our Ads calls upon the Australian creative and advertising industry to pledge their support of homegrown music by elevating its work with local voices, sounds and stories; encouraging creatives to invest music budgets into homegrown artists and, in doing so, gain eligibility for the award.

New ARIA Award Category

There are two awards in the new category:

Eligibility Criteria

All entries must meet the following eligibility criteria. 

  1. Entrants must have taken the OSOA Pledge and paid relevant fees.
    1. $500 (excl. GST) to join the pledge and unlock access to events and resources
    2. $1500 (excl. GST) to join the pledge and unlock access to events and resources and one entry to the New ARIA Award Category (additional entries will require an additional payment of $1000 (excl GST) per entry)
  2. The ad must have been published in Australia within the Current Eligibility Period.
  3. Ads previously nominated are ineligible.
  4. Agencies may only enter their own ads.
  5. The agency must have valid licenses for the synchronisation of the sound recordings and related musical works.
  6. The ad must be;
    1. Created by an Australian agency, and
    2. Use a sound recording with an Australian citizen, permanent resident or other eligible artist as identified in the full criteria, controlled, or distributed by an ARIA member.

Full criteria here

Entries are now closed for Best Use of an Australian Recording in an advertisement.

Agencies must first take the pledge: Our agency pledges support for homegrown music by elevating our work with local voices, sounds and stories, and encouraging our creatives to invest music budgets into homegrown artists. 

To take the pledge, click here