About ARIA Innovator

What is ARIA Innovator?

ARIA Innovator is ARIA’s new initiative to inspire and cultivate innovation within the Australian music industry. With the rapid pace of technological advancement and the shifting dynamics of global music consumption, ARIA Innovator seeks to address these challenges by providing industry professionals with access to cutting-edge insights, tools, and strategies that drive growth and success.

Through its programs, ARIA Innovator will focus on key areas such as data-driven decision-making, cultural leadership, and the integration of emerging technologies like AI. It aims to empower artists, managers, and labels to develop innovative business models and marketing strategies that enhance discoverability and deepen audience engagement in both domestic and international markets.

As a brand, ARIA Innovator is designed to be a continuous force for positive change, facilitating workshops, conferences, and discussions that bring together leading minds from within and beyond the music industry. By fostering collaboration and forward-thinking approaches, ARIA Innovator is committed to shaping the future of the Australian music sector.

Why Innovator/Why ARIA

ARIA is launching ARIA Innovator to actively engage the music industry in addressing critical issues such as discoverability and export challenges. This initiative is part of ARIA’s evolving role as thought leaders, providing industry professionals with access to global experts and strategic insights. With funding provided by Sound NSW’s Strategic Funding round, ARIA Innovator aligns with their objectives of developing pilot programs, capacity-building, and promoting sustainability within the contemporary music sector in NSW. This program aims to support long-term growth for NSW-based artists and businesses.

For any queries, please email ARIAInnovator@aria.com.au